§ 30-1-6. Who may solemnize marriages -- Certificate.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Marriages may be solemnized by the following persons only:
    (a) ministers, rabbis, or priests of any religious denomination who are:
    (i) in regular communion with any religious society; and
    (ii) 18 years of age or older;
    (b) Native American spiritual advisors;
    (c) the governor;
    (d) the lieutenant governor;
    (e) mayors of municipalities or county executives;
    (f) a justice, judge, or commissioner of a court of record;
    (g) a judge of a court not of record of the state;
    (h) judges or magistrates of the United States;
    (i) the county clerk of any county in the state, if the clerk chooses to solemnize marriages;
    (j) the president of the Senate;
    (k) the speaker of the House of Representatives; or
    (l) a judge or magistrate who holds office in Utah when retired, under rules set by the Supreme Court.
    (2) A person authorized under Subsection (1) who solemnizes a marriage shall give to the couple married a certificate of marriage that shows the:
    (a) name of the county from which the license is issued; and
    (b) date of the license's issuance.
    (3) As used in this section:
    (a) "Judge or magistrate of the United States" means:
    (i) a justice of the United States Supreme Court;
    (ii) a judge of a court of appeals;
    (iii) a judge of a district court;
    (iv) a judge of any court created by an act of Congress the judges of which are entitled to hold office during good behavior;
    (v) a judge of a bankruptcy court;
    (vi) a judge of a tax court; or
    (vii) a United States magistrate.
    (i) "Native American spiritual advisor" means a person who:
    (I) leads, instructs, or facilitates a Native American religious ceremony or service; or
    (II) provides religious counseling; and
    (B) is recognized as a spiritual advisor by a federally recognized Native American tribe.
    (ii) "Native American spiritual advisor" includes a sweat lodge leader, medicine person, traditional religious practitioner, or holy man or woman.
    (4) Notwithstanding any other provision in law, no person authorized under Subsection (1) to solemnize a marriage may delegate or deputize another person to perform the function of solemnizing a marriage, except that only employees of the office responsible for the issuance of marriage licenses may be deputized.
Amended by Chapter 132, 2010 General Session